Tuesday, October 28, 2008


I have a mystery that I cannot solve! My digital camera has somehow vanished into thin air! I used it about a month ago to take a picture of Gaige, turned around and put it on the table, and somehow it is gone. I have searched my house from top to bottom. I wouldn't even let Trevor take the garbage out for three weeks because I was sure that somehow it was thrown away with the many little hands that are running around on a daily basis. But unfortunatly, after searching though dirty, NASTY, OLD, GROSS, STINKY... (I could go on but I will spare you) I let the garbage get thown away! So The reason for the post. FIRST: If anyone has any brilliant ideas on where children like to hide things that I maybe missed, then please comment.
SECOND: I Promised My sister, after reading one of her wonderful blogs that put me in tears, that I would be a better blogger. So although they may not be the most exciting to look at. They will let you know what our little family here is Idaho is up to! I hope you all enjoy. You dont realize how much you appriciate something (Digital camers) until they are gone. Film takes a long time to not only get developed but to fill the film!! Pictures will come!! We miss and Love you all very much!!!

1 comment:

Kaylynn said...

Yeah! Keep them coming! Also check your shoes! Things always end up being put in the toes of my shoes!!!