This year I think will be a one and only, we had to wake up the kids. We started calling out Maycie's name and we hear this grumpy "NO!" come screaming out of he room, not even two seconds later we hear, "oh ya Christmas" let's see if Santa came!" Which he did. Santa brought Maycie a Leapster (A learning hand held game) and Gaige got a spider man bike! He wouldn't get off the bike for anything. Maycie had to open most of his other gifts because he was too into his bike!
They both got GIANT snuggle pillows, Gaige got a guitar, and Maycie got some new pink shelves for her closet. (Notice the car, read the blog before this, then you'll know!)
One of Maycielyn's favorite present was from Gagie, it was a strawberry shortcake cook book and giant pink mixing bowl of her very own! She cant wait to whip up something delish!

Gagie and Maycie got some good
This is last years picture and it is so cute! Just thought I would share!

Maycie got Mommy a special ring! She has been saying for about a month before Christmas that she was getting me a ring, and really I thought she was making one at preschool, but when I saw that little square present handed to me and she said, "Mommy open your ring." I knew. She said it was so we would love each other forever! After she said that the tears just started flowing!
Gagie got Daddy a new flat top griddle, yes it's for Daddy not me, he has been wanting one for a while now. Good job Gagie, but it didn't make him cry. After all the presents were done we headed off to Gram and Pop-pops..... where they had more presents to open.

Maycie got a PRINCESS table to go into her room to play her tea set she got for her birthday, a hello kitty camera, a strawberry shortcake pony, lip gloss, and a Tinkerbell that she can do her hair, and I am sure that I am missing a few.
Gagie got A rolling back pack, a broom, a vacuum, a golf set, an "old school" push around popper, and a bass boat with fishing pole. Notice a trend, he loves to help mommy clean, and loves anything long that he can push around!
Gagie got Daddy a new flat top griddle, yes it's for Daddy not me, he has been wanting one for a while now. Good job Gagie, but it didn't make him cry. After all the presents were done we headed off to Gram and Pop-pops..... where they had more presents to open.

Maycie got a PRINCESS table to go into her room to play her tea set she got for her birthday, a hello kitty camera, a strawberry shortcake pony, lip gloss, and a Tinkerbell that she can do her hair, and I am sure that I am missing a few.

Trevor got hooked up with ps3 games, Tomb Raider, Madden 09, Cabelas Dangerous Hunts, and Call of Duty 5. Let's just say he couldn't wait to try them out.
I got a new pair of boots, a purse, some makeup, a new blanket new silverware, a shirt, and a gift card to a boutique down town to go shopping with my mother in-law and sister in-law Very cool!

cuddle time with pop-pop! They
both were just not feeling all
that great on Christmas, Not sick
just under the weather. Or maybe
they were so into watching everyone
battle on Guitar Hero, ya that's right
we got Luke and Logan the game
and we all played for hours. ya I had
blisters, it's so much fun! We had a blast not only with that game but with playing pool and cards!
We decided not to do a Turkey dinner this year sense we did two turkeys on Thanks Giving, so we all love Mexican food so Sheryl make the biggest feast ever. Tamales, taco's, anything you could picture. plus we got to take home some leftovers. She makes the best Mexican food!! We headed home pretty early, which isn't normal, but with the kids feeling icky, and the roads getting bad from the snow we called it a night. When we got home I am sure you can guess what Trevor did, headed right for the PS3, We didn't mind though, The kids and I watched for a min, but then put in Horton Hear's A Hoo which Gaige got in his stocking! We had a Great Christmas. And we hope you all did too!
This is last years picture and it is so cute! Just thought I would share!
what a sweet gift from maycie! brought a little tear! im glad you guys had a great christmas! miss you tons! we need to talk on the phone! love ya!
Your kids are so cute!!! It has been such a long time since I have seen you guys. Maycie is so sweet I love the ring she gave you. I'm glad you had a good christmas.
Hi loves!
We miss you- the kids are growing TO FAST! stop it! lol
I had to get your link from Kaylynns blog!
Are you going to add a subscription bar so each time you post it emails to let us know?
Love you tons
Gwen & Dad
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